Beloved Sons of God
Beloved Sons of God, or BSOG, for short, is GDA’s partner for young men. Also started in January of this year, BSOG ‘s vision and purpose is based on Proverbs 16:7 which says, “When the Lord takes pleasure in anyone’s way, he causes their enemies to make peace with them.”
In order for the Lord to take pleasure in anyone’s ways, that person (or people) needs to live a life of faith, purity and obedience. This isn’t easy for young men these days considering the pressures put on them to win at all costs, to prove they don’t need anyone or anything and to perform sexually and have multiple sexual experiences.
Society teaches and encourages men that to show emotion is to show weakness and to view women as objects of pleasure rather than a life-partner to be loved, cherished and protected.
BSOG is dedicated to letting men know it’s okay to not be society’s version of a man’s man and that it’s acceptable…even desirable to be tender and loving toward your wife and to reserves sex for marriage and marriage only.
God’s plan for the human race is specific in its design for what a man is supposed to be. God’s intent is for a man to lead his family by following God and to be strong in humility and integrity. But again, this isn’t easy for young men today because they are bombarded with messages telling them to be the complete opposite of this.
BSOG’s goal is to spread the word that men don’t have to buy in to the world’s view of what it is to be a man. BSOG wants to spread the word that God’s design for a man is much more gratifying and to provide young men with the information and resources to become Godly men rather than worldly men.
God's Daughter's Academy
God’s Daughter’s Academy was founded January, 25th 2014. The basis or concept for God’s Daughter’s Academy, or GDA, for short, is based on Proverbs 3:15: “She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.”
Its purpose is to inspire and encourage single women to realize that their value is not measured by their sexuality but by their personality…their inner beauty. Media and society in general constantly bombard women with messages saying that seductive clothing, casual sex, living together without being married, multiple sex partners at the same time, erotic dancing and photos and other sex-based acts are normal…socially acceptable…no big deal and just a part of dating.
But that’s simply not true. If sexual purity wasn’t a big deal, we wouldn’t have STDs and emotional and mental brokenness wouldn’t be the epidemic it is today. If being sexually active outside of marriage was really the solution to happiness the media tries to convince us it is, there wouldn’t be so many unhappy people in the world; people searching for something they cannot find because they are looking in the wrong places.
GDA wants to change that. We want single women to know that God’s design for sex being a marriage-only benefit and to live a life of modesty and purity isn’t just God’s way, but it’s the best way. GDA want’s women to experience the self-respect and relief that come to them when they remain pure.
GDA wants women to know that to honor God with their body, heart and mind will bring more happiness and contentment than all the dates and marriage-less sex in the world. We want women to know that God created each of us with a specific life plan and that when we let God put that plan into action, he will give us a spouse for life who will show us the love and affection we crave.
GDA isn’t a club or sorority. It’s merely a group of single women who want to live a pure life and honor God with their body and their life. So if you are a single woman and are tired of fighting the battle of being good and pure by yourself, join with other single Christian women by becoming part of GDA and fight this fight together. Become a part of GDA and be a woman you are proud to see looking back at you in the mirror.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. ~Proverbs 31:30