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Wondering why you are still single...wonder no more!


Don't be too hard on yourself. Being single is not a are still single because you are a rare woman/man. If you can't pick diamonds from your backyard then you know how valuable you are.

You may be thinking, "I don't know if I will ever get married" But just think about how you many people you have met in the past without planning it? If God himself said it is not good for the man to be alone...he knows what he is doing. Don't be impatient and settle for Ishmael when God believes you deserve an Isaac. Why is it so hard to wait? The bible says they that can finish that. You have heard countless times that good people are hard to's true! So that's why u are still single... someone is still fasting and praying for a person like God because he is the giver of all Good things including marriage.

The bible says he who Finds a wife finds a what? So when it comes to good things there is a lot of praying and searching involved...You are still single not because nobody wants are an expensive pearl in God's hands and it will take someone God sees fit for you to releases you, He is hiding u for a for now, just enjoy being hidden and just do your part, prepare yourself as a princess, a treasure that you are... and work on having some standards. Men respect a woman with STANDARDS!!! Please underline the word standards. But unfortunately most women these days seem to have dropped their standards... for the sake of having a man or getting married.

I am not sure whether it's because everyone wants to be a Mrs. and we end up setting the bar way TOO low...Listen Diamonds!!Having standards is the only best way to filter Players...for example there men who only text and never have time to call and sadly there are some women who are completely OK with lazy communication from guys who only text and never have time to make the actual's ok if you are just friends but if you are in a relationship and he can't make the call...then you have a problem...because lazy communication=Lazy relationship and no standards =Bad behavior. 

If you want a GOOD relationship it's time to raise your bar a little higher. If a guy isn't making an effort to communicate with you via the phone or see you face to face on a regular basis
and he keeps telling you about how busy he is and yada yada yada...maybe it's time for you to invest less in him...even if he is trying to make the most out of his Free Texting Minutes...don't be OK with
a TEXT add that to your Rules. You are an expensive pearl, say no a text relationship, say no to dates that show up 3 hours late...Say No to dutch dates...By the way, it's ok if he is texting to check up on you or to tell you he is running late. You may be saying but he lives outside the country...oh well, we live in a world full of advanced technology he can use Skype or Viber they are both excuses! Again, there is something attractive about a woman with Standards...

YOU are a Valuable Fine Gem!

Have standards!!! You deserve to be treated like the JEWEL that you are...a P315 Woman! Remember, a rare treasurer is always sought after..A Treasure doesn't do the hunting, or seeking. Wait, prepare yourself ...polish the treasure! If you are not being treated with love and respect you deserve, check your "Price Tag." Perhaps you have marked yourself down. It's YOU that determines your worth by what you accept. Get off the "CLEARANCE RACK"and get behind the glass case where "Valuables" are kept. Bottom line Value yourself more...Truth be told, sometimes the problem is NOT with the men. It's us!! Have you ever wondered why the SAME guy who treated you so badly treats another woman better than you? Treats her with respect...The same man who always complained he is always busy to call or has no airtime, calls the other woman every other minute to check up on herm say good morning and good night every single day. The same man who said he didn't have money to take you out because he couldn't afford to, is now working two job so that he can take another woman to an expensive restaurant. The same man who forgot your birthday...buys his new girl's friends birthday party six months in advance...the same man who refused to delete photos of his ex on his facebook page because it's part of memories is now more than willing to delete all of them and burn hard copies for the sake of his new girl friend.


What has changed? Him or the woman? It's the woman and if it is the woman what is it that she is doing that you are not doing? Sometimes we are too scared to have high standards for the fear of losing a man...oh well, let him be gone, if your standards are too high for him. Don't ever try to fix a guy who is not willing to step up to the plate, let him be a man and treat you like you deserve to be treated...because in the end, when he wrecks you up emotionally you will be on your own trying to fix you from the unseen scars. A must have on your new rules as a proverbs 3:15 woman: If he doesn't love Jesus don't date him or try to change that. Pray for him instead...never be with someone you can't follow Jesus with closed. You want a man when thinking about you, to think along the lines of...She's the one...This woman is different...There's this one girl and to possess traits other women don't generally possess...


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How to a become a Proverbs 3:15 Woman

Secrets of a P315 Woman

Purpose and power of being submissive wife

Mistakes that can destory your relationship

How to be a guiding light to your husband

Married sex...what's right in the sight of God

Importance of Lingerie for christian women

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