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GDA 4 Days " Forgiveness" Conference


During these powerful weekends, Kay Rose leads women through serious steps of how to release those who have been wounded them and truly walk in forgiveness. Many times when a woman cannot “get over” the pain of rejection, it is because they have unresolved hurts from their past that are blocking them. Other times it may be fear that is keeping them in bondage. The goal of this conference is to identify what is blocking you from moving forward, so that you can find complete healing in the Lord.


It is amazing to see how these women go from being hurt and depressed to confidant women full of life. When they leave on Sunday they are hearing God clearly and ready to forgive. God’s word sets us free!


After struggling for years trying to forgive my husband for cheating, during one of the GDA conferences...  I realized it was my own sin and my past that was blocking me. My marriage has finally been reconciled and restored for His glory.” ~ Sara



BSOG Men's Conference

Men’s 3 Days to Freedom


This 3-day intensive weekend designed to help men break free from pornography addictions and other sexual addictions, as well as learn to walk in freedom from past failures. It is three days of getting alone with God and other men to find and experience the freedom in Christ your heart longs for... The number of attendees is limited each month to provide as much personal attention as possible. If you are serious about finding freedom in Christ, then this 3-day intensive is for you.


Take Jealousy out of your diet Conference
Genesis 25-27
We will look more closely at the word: JEALOUSY. When we entertain Jealousy, Lying, Quarreling, Deceit, and Revenge...  we are simply pushing out Peace, Trust, Blessing, Truth, and Forgiveness.  Jealousy blinds us from making good choices. Jealousy is selfish. Jealousy focuses on what other people have. Jealousy is driven out of insecurity. Jealousy listens to bad advice and takes poor action. We need to breath in some MORE Jesus in us and take in some peace, trust, blessing, truth, and forgiveness.

GDA/BSOG Singles Conference

GDA/BSOG Conference is a life-changing, world-altering weekend! The goal of this conference is to help you become a Proverbs 3:15 woman and identify the areas of your life that need God’s wisdom and understanding applied to them. Not only will it prepare you for marriage, but it will prepare you for Life! You, by the grace of God, will never be the same again.

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