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Princesses and Warriors with a Purpose 2 Corithian 6:18


GDA Princess with a purpose, teaches young girls about their royal identity in Christ. Our goal is to teach the truth from the Bible about what it means to be a daughter of the King of Kings.  GDA Princess with a Purpose is where “once upon a time” is becoming a reality for young girls who dream of one day becoming a true princess. BSOG Warriors with a purpose teaches boys what it means to be warriors for Christ and to be trained as future spiritual leaders. Our mission is to teach boys and girls about their true identity in Jesus Christ in order to fulfill the purpose God has for their lives. We provides a good foundation for them to have a life-long relationship with Jesus. 



 I am a Daughter of a King, a Princess with a Purpose...


Ages 3-12


Get your Daughter connected

I am a son of a King, a Prince

Warrior with a Purpose...


Ages 3-12


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To Enroll your son/daughter in the GDA/BSOG Princess or Warrior Academy fill the form below:

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